In this third installment, "Sisterhood Above All," we begin with a shellshocked Valya exiting the palace gates on Salusa ...
Prophecy, while Mother Superior Valya Harkonnen endeavors to shore up the Sisterhood’s Imperium support in the present, we ...
Sisterhood above all” is the motto of Valya and Tula’s secretive organization, but its meaning seems to depend on which ...
Prophecy - Episode 2 - “Two Wolves” are in play. If you’re not keeping up with the Harkonnens and Atreides drama, then you’ve ...
Griffin Harkonnen, the only brother of Valya and Tula Harkonnen, makes a compelling introduction in Episode 3 of Dune: ...
Thanks to a protracted flashback in Dune: Prophecy Episode 3 “Sisterhood Above All,” we now have a sense that Tula might ...
Dune: Prophecy, the latest installment in the screen adaptation of the series, is grounded in the 2012 book Sisterhood of ...
The following review contains spoilers for the third episode of Dune Prophecy, “Sisterhood Above All” ...
Prophecy, 'Sisterhood Above All,' is in the can. This one took us into the past as we explored the backstories of Valya and ...
Prophecy season one, episode three, "Sisterhood Above All," the series shows us flashbacks of Valya and Tula Harkonnen's past ...
Dune: Prophecy, Episode 3, "Sisterhood Above All," dives deeper into Valya and Tula Harkonnen's histories, and reveals ...
The following review contains spoilers for the third episode of Dune Prophecy, “Sisterhood Above All” ...