Climate change and flagging investment in research and development has U.S. agriculture facing its first productivity ...
Republicans and Democrats have long supported the collection of education data because it helps parents and policymakers judge the performance of their local schools.
The Maryland economy is facing budget uncertainties and the outlook on federal research and development funding is bleak. Still, the state can help surmount these challenges.
pharmaphorum’s digital magazine Deep Dive provides objective, issue-driven views, analysis, high-level interviews and unique ...
These shifts could affect both our current research and development projects and those still awaiting funding from federal agencies or sponsors. As these funders adjust to the changes, we’ll keep ...
A change in how two national organizations recognize research done at universities has resulted in two Oklahoma schools ...
The Research and Economic Development Division (REDD) at the University of Wyoming serves as a catalyst to advance the university's knowledge enterprise through research, service, and innovation.
Read Our Expert Reports and Published Proceedings Explore PNAS, the Flagship Scientific Journal of NAS Explore PNAS Nexus, the Open Access Scientific Journal of NAS Access Transportation Research ...
CIDRAP and global health experts set Zika virus preparedness research priorities, stressing the need for improved diagnostics ...
Wiley (NYSE: WLY), one of the world’s largest publishers and a trusted leader in research and learning, today reported ...
Scientists have discovered a strategy to fight back against norovirus, a leading cause of gastroenteritis worldwide. Their ...