Carrie Fisher always regretted her wandering accent in the 'Star Wars' scene where Princess Leia sounds British when speaking with Grand Moff Tarkin.
Star Wars icon Carrie Fisher admitted she used humor as a defense mechanism while quietly battling one mental disorder.
Carrie Fisher admitted using drugs on a Star Wars set — driven by desperation, not love for c*caine, adding depth to her legendary role.
The Rise of Skywalker #1! Since Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker was first released, fans have had one major issue with the film: Rose Tico’s absence. While Rose was in the film for a few scenes, her presence felt more like a cameo than anything substantial,
The two-hour television event featured brief appearances by Star Wars cast members such as Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, and Anthony Daniels, but the story was mostly centered around ...
Propstore auction is projected to bring in $8 million as interest in collecting original props and costumes grows.
The medal that closed Star Wars can now find a new home with someone who has $600,000 to spend. Find out about the Medal of Yavin here.