It the survey, 37% said that getting around Southern California “is going to be more difficult before it gets better.” And 34 ...
Huntington Beach Councilmember Tony Strickland declared victory Monday in the special election race for California’s 36th ...
The California Department of Transportation announced overnight closures for Pacific Coast Highway, 101, 405 and 710 freeways ...
Hotels ranked on industry awards, guest reviews and hotel class ratings Unbiased content created by U.S. News editors Photo ...
Los Angeles Superior Court system is among those named in a petition as having not done enough to address the court reporter ...
Scientists have long predicted that much of Miami Beach could be underwater by the middle of the century as a result of ...
Republican Tony Strickland claimed victory Monday in last month’s special election to fill the vacant seat in the California ...
Western San Gabriel Mountains/Highway 14 Corridor, Eastern San Gabriel Mountains, Santa Barbara County Interior Mountains, ...
The EPA's Superfund Program takes action to clean up the country's most contaminated land and serve environmental emergencies, per the agency's website.
The Methodist Church in Ocean Beach has been saved from being sold to developers after the Church Council voted against the sale over the weekend.
Visitors will have the chance to interact with three different A.I. chat boxes. Each ufologist avatar is based on a real-life scientist. These avatars can answer questions about the information you ...