Feldschlösschen is not only famous for its beer, it is also famous for its splendid brewhouse with its twelve original coppers and the only coach-and-six in Switzerland pulled by Belgian dray horses.
Restoring historic signs and unique works of art, you'll visit Bertille Laguet's Forge, trained at Ecal (a prestigious French-speaking design school) and with master wrought-iron craftsman Philippe ...
Des bâtiments religieux datant d'il y a 1000 ans, des fresques, des tombes, des salles magnifiques et des colonnes gothiques: l'abbatiale de Romainmôtier et la maison du prieur reflètent les ...
イタリアとの国境、ヤシやオリーブの木が揺れる美しい湖は、スイスのイタリア語圏ティチーノ州を代表する湖です。正式名はチェレーズィオCeresio ですが、一般的には通称でルガーノ湖と ...