The instigator of the rare break from the civil service archetype was a newly minted public servant whose time in the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) graduate program ended ...
The next iteration of 'Measuring What Matters' should list the steps to give effect to the many implications for policy and ...
Politicians who can navigate around partisan pugilism to make good policy are all too few. Now two of the best are headed for the exits.
The national strategy aims to ensure the role carers play is better understood and to support their social, economic and health wellbeing.
Philosopher Byung-Chul Han calls it a disappearance. He sees it as a symptom of modernity and the evils (as he views them) of ...
Post-robodebt changes include a new chief data officer at Services Australia and mandatory ethics training for all in-house legal staff.
Daryl Quinlivan will replace outgoing Angus Houston as Murray Darling Basin Authority chair. Quinlivan is a career public servant.