EXCLUSIVE: It’s no secret that Bridget Jones author Helen Fielding is a fan of the work of Jane Austen. We’ve got an ...
Ballgowns are being stitched, bonnets brushed and tea rooms prepped as the United Kingdom prepares to celebrate the 250th ...
Jane Austen’s birth, which makes it all the more appropriate to visit these historic houses and filming locations this year.
Up there with Shakespeare and Charles Dickens on the adaptation front is Jane Austen. Her works have been adapted, either ...
Jessica Bull has been in love with the writer ever since the first episode of Pride and Prejudiced aired on the BBC in 1995.
We tend to think of Jane Austen as the first great female novelist, whose originality paved the way for creative descendants ...
A contemporary comedy about love, literature, and finding romance the old-fashioned way.
School can turn classic books into a chore, Rereading Eliot or Austen or Shakespeare as we grow older we can see how we have ...
Keeley Hawes stars in a new trailer for the PBS Masterpiece drama series, Miss Austen. Watch it now before the series ...
Rise Of a Genius is the story of how a self-taught young woman from a small Hampshire village became one of the greatest novelists who ever lived ...
Miss Austen’s Jane is played by Patsy Ferran as witty, acerbic and, crucially, devoted to fiction. She is utterly determined to become a published author and her family support her in this pursuit.