After not appearing in the third film in the Michael B. Jordan-led series, it is unlikely that Sylvester Stallone will appear ...
Sylvester Stallone earned $2.5 million from the first Rocky film after taking a gamble on himself, rejecting a $300,000 offer ...
The '80s are remembered for many things in Hollywood, but it's hard to beat the enduring legacy of the action genre, thanks ...
GQ interview, Sylvester Stallone recalled how, in the early 2000s, he found himself trapped in a "generational vortex." After ...
The strangest (and most frequently mocked) aspect of Rocky IV actually has a touching basis in Sylvester Stallone's personal ...
One of my favorite Sylvester Stallone interviews is his 1977 conversation with Barry Norman. In the interview, Stallone comes ...
Sylvester Stalone's Rocky films are iconic in their own right, but one overlooked Hulu series quietly improved the ...