Independent councillor Taiba Yasseen has attacked Rotherham’s plans to extend its selective licensing scheme and warns raising fees will push up rents for the most vulnerable.
John Payne Estate Agents has unveiled its new offices in a historic area of Coventry after a refurbishment project supported by the local council.
David Gowland was expelled by a RICS disciplinary panel after leaving his client liable for council legal costs.
So claims Zoopla's which, within its regular renters market snapshot, also says Labour's looming rental reforms risk making ...
Several local authorities which are quick to issue fines to landlords and agents over poor practice including damp and mould, ...
Sally Lawson, who is a former ARLA President, says leaflet drops are a waste of time and online marketing is the way forward.
LRG's group HR director Hannah Cooper lays out her approach to tackling 'archaic' gender and age-based attitudes to women ...
The third Women In Estate Agency Conference, held on Thursday, brought together leading women from the property world to ...
In a move that will allow it to expand its services to include auctions, John D Wood has joined forces with Iamsold.
In a highly unusual move, Ashford Borough Council is calling for more to be done to encourage responsible landlords to remain ...
Ahead of International Women's Day, two leading women working within the sector tell The Neg there is still much to do, but ...
GetAgent has launched GetAgent Exchange for agents to monetise out-of-area leads through the referral network.