The gender pay gap for 7800 Australian businesses have been released, including details of how some Christian organisations ...
US film actor Matthew McConaughey (he of the slow slow and oh-so-easy-to-mimic voice), is a Professor of Practice at the ...
Historian Simon Schama packed the Adelaide Town Hall for the big event in Writers Week, – a new experience for Obadiah. Despite being lobbied not to come, he defied fellow Zionists to come and ...
Gavin Brown, Australian Catholic University via the Conversation Most people recognise organisations such as the YMCA and the ...
Staff at Brindabella Christian College a 1200-student school in Canberra which has been unable to pay its staff and owes the ...
An Obadiah Slope column Georgian architecture and human struggle: Mrs Slope took Obadiah on an adventure usimg the new light ...
A new survey by Pew Research shows more than six in ten Americans identifying as Christians, with the total rebounding after ...
Brindabella Christian College in Canberra receives $10m a year from the federal government but owes the tax office $8m and ...
After following complaints by women, and almost a year-long review, the board of the Bible College of South Australia (BCSA) has issued a “a full and unreserved apology to all women who have had ...
New Hope church, planted in 2009 which has just planted its third location in the growing fringes of north west Sydney offers ...
He hurt us. … Guide was an only boy in a family of seven girls. What he (the abuser) did was grossly unfair. May his spirit ...
Koorong has relocated in Adelaide to a new store in Payneham with the new store reported as already busy with the support of ...