This table displays the results of Annual Retail Trade Survey: CVs for operating revenue – 2023. The information is grouped by Geography (appearing as row headers), CVs for operating revenue and ...
2022 March - Work location / Reservation wage / Career prospects / COVID-19 Benefits 2022 February - Work location / Reservation wage / Willingness to move / COVID-19 Benefits 2022 January - Work ...
The balance sheet is derived, for the most part, using data already produced by the Agriculture Division. Since the capital value series uses reference data at July 1 while the balance sheet uses data ...
Bringing together the latest data and insights on areas touched by the socio-economic relationship between Canada and the United States. This product illustrates Canada's economic and financial ...
The Elementary to Postsecondary Student Education Dashboard: Enrolments, Graduations and Tuition Fees comprehensive data visualization tool overviews counts of enrolments and graduations for ...
This survey collects data from common carrier railways operating in Canada which are essential for the analysis of the Railway Transport Industry and the assessment of its contribution to the Canadian ...
The Indigenous Liaison Program serves as a bridge between Statistics Canada and First Nations, Métis and Inuit communities and Indigenous organizations. Work in partnership with First Nations, Métis, ...
This survey collects information on the quantity of water processed by plants that draw raw water from the environment to produce potable water. The plants in the survey range in size from ones that ...
This survey is conducted by Statistics Canada in order to collect the necessary information to support the Integrated Business Statistics Program (IBSP). This program combines various survey and ...
To provide information on the performance of the mining sector in Canada. This survey presents estimates on monthly production, shipments and inventories for metallic and non-metallic minerals. Your ...
The purpose of this survey is to collect information about quality of life and energy consumption behaviours. The results will help decision makers develop programs and policies to better serve ...
Why do we conduct this survey? This survey is conducted by Statistics Canada in order to collect the necessary information to support the Integrated Business Statistics Program (IBSP). This program ...