Sa présentation aura lieu le jeudi 12 décembre, de 12h15 à 13h15, en salle M 1140 (Uni-Mail).
Professor Eva Cantoni has been appointed to serve to the Board of Directors of the European Regional Section (ERS) of the ...
Zwygart AC, Medaglia C, Zhu Y, Bart Tarbet E, Jonna W, Fage C, Le Roy D, Roger T, Clément S, Constant S, Huang S, Stellacci F, Silva PJ, Tapparel C. Development of Broad-Spectrum β-Cyclodextrins-Based ...
GFRI's Professor Ines Chaieb won the S&P Global Academic ESG Research Award for her paper " Nature Risk Management in Domestic and Foreign Institutional Investments “.
The University of Geneva Library is a pillar of university life, recognised for the excellence of its services, collections and expertise.‘ This is an extract from the University of Geneva Library's ...
A UNIGE study reveals how mechanics, linked to tissue growth, help generate the diversity of biological structures.
The Chemistry and Biochemistry Section would like to extend its warmest congratulations to the new graduating class of 2023-24. We are proud of your academic achievements and look forward to seeing ...
This year, Dr. Gloria Ursino and Dr. Pryscila Teixeira from Prof. Roberto Coppari's laboratory are among the five prizewinners for their projects. This research prize should enable them to provide ...
‘Could It Be That They Do Not Want to Hear What We Have to Say?’ Organised Working Children and the International Politics and Representations of Child Labour, Edward van Daalen ...
This open access book presents a discussion on human rights-based attributes for each article pertinent to the substantive rights of children, as defined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights ...
Editors: Karl Hanson, Ton Liefaard, Roberta Ruggiero, Elena Patrizi, Katrien Klep, Lucy Opoka ...
Hackathons are a promising way to strengthen transparency, inclusiveness and collective engagement in global governance.