The Department of Education has updated its guidance and released 3 new tools to support schools and early childhood services to identify and respond to family violence in a safe and consistent way.
Following stakeholder feedback and the findings of the MARAM 5-year Evidence Review, FSV has contracted Safe & Equal to review and redevelop the three Victim Survivor training packages (Identification ...
What is the MARAM Video Series? The MARAM video series consists of 17 impactful videos to support prescribed workforces to better understand MARAM reforms, including the key concepts and ...
What training is being developed? FSV has engaged Safe & Equal to develop the MARAM Predominant aggressor identification and responding to misidentification training. This training is tailored for ...
What is the Enhance Perpetrator-focused MARAM Practice project? The MARAM enhancement project (as part of the Changing Ways program) will run from 2024-27 delivering: Change management activities to ...
Find the latest news and information about Women with Disabilities Victoria MARAM implementation activities for Quarter 2 2024-25. Women with Disabilities Victoria Gender & Disability Experts by ...
What is the five-year evidence review? The Family Violence Protection Act 2008 requires five-yearly reviews of MARAM to ensure it reflects current evidence and best practice. What has been achieved so ...
The Centre for Workforce Excellence (CWE) in DFFH is working in partnership with the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions (DJSIR) to develop Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses ...
Why are the Family Violence Capability Frameworks being reviewed? The Family Violence Prevention and Response Capability Frameworks outline the foundational skill set required to both deliver ...
Find the latest news and information about MARAM tools in TRAM and SHIP for Quarter 2 2024-25. What MARAM tools are in TRAM and SHIP? Tools for Risk Assessment and Management (TRAM) has been developed ...
Find the latest news and information about the Family Violence Risk Assessment and Management Survey for Quarter 2 2024-25. What is the Family Violence Risk Assessment and Management Survey? The ...
Find the latest news and information about key MARAM and Information Sharing projects, resources and training for Quarter 2 2024-25. Find the latest news and information about the MARAM non-accredited ...