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Comet C/2024 ATLAS pays Earth a once-in 160,000-year visit
Why Comet G3 (ATLAS) will be 'remembered as the Great Comet …
When to look for comet G3 ATLAS - Space.com
'Totally amazing' astronaut photo captures comet C/2024 G3 …
Comet A3 was the brightest comet in 27 years! - EarthSky
Comet that could shine as bright as Venus set to be visible from Earth
"Most anticipated" comet of 2024 returns after 80,000 years - Earth…
Comet C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan–ATLAS will soon fly by Earth - CNN
‘Devil comet’ will make its closest pass of Earth in 71 years - CNN
Ancient Oort Cloud Comet to Make First Documented Pass By Earth …